Easily Manage Digital Fundraising
Across Multiple Groups/Chapters

Raise More Money with Less Effort

Raise More Money with Less Effort

Easily Manage Digital Fundraising
Across Multiple Groups/Chapters

Easily Manage Digital Fundraising
Across Multiple Groups/Chapters

Raise More Money with Less Effort

Easily Manage
Digital Fundraising
Across Multiple

Raise More Money
with Less Effort

Overwhelmed by managing digital fundraising across multiple chapters?

Overwhelmed by managing digital fundraising across multiple chapters?

At Do Good Phil, we understand the frustration that comes with managing digital fundraising across multiple groups and the challenges that keep fundraising initiatives from reaching their full potential.

We can help you maximize your fundraising efforts.

At Do Good Phil, we understand the frustration that comes with managing digital fundraising across multiple groups and the challenges that keep fundraising initiatives from reaching their full potential.

We can help you maximize your fundraising efforts.

Built to maximize your fundraising efforts

Built to maximize your fundraising efforts

Built to maximize your fundraising efforts

  • Consistent, on-brand digital experience across chapters

  • Activate your alumni year-round

  • Track all chapter progress in a single admin portal

  • Provide consistent direction across all chapter leads

  • Receive personalized activation and execution support

  • Available on both web and mobile

  • Consistent, on-brand digital experience across chapters

  • Activate your alumni year-round

  • Track all chapter progress in a single admin portal

  • Provide consistent direction across all chapter leads

  • Receive personalized activation and execution support

  • Available on both web and mobile

Start Raising More Funds
With Less Effort Today!

Start Raising More Funds With Less Effort Today!

Ready to boost your fundraising productivity?
Let's discuss how Do Good Phil can support your efforts.

Ready to boost your fundraising productivity? Let's discuss how Do Good Phil can support your efforts.